We are delighted to welcome Caron Daley as the new Editor-in-Chief of our Anacrusis journal!
Caron Daley is Director of Choral Activities, Associate Professor of Music, and Ensembles Area Coordinator at the Mary Pappert School of Music at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Choirs under her direction have performed at NAfME, NCCO, ACDA, and CMS conferences. A native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Caron has held past conducting appointments with the National Youth Choir of Canada, Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, University of Toronto, St. Michael’s Choir School, and Salem Academy and College. Her ongoing research in Dalcroze Eurhythmics and musician health and wellness has resulted in national and international conference presentations and publications in Canadian Music Educator, Choral Journal, Journal of Singing, The Choral Scholar, International Journal of Research in Choral Singing, and the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Music Health Advocacy.
Caron currently serves as National Chair for 4-year Colleges and Universities with the American Choral Directors Association (2021–27) and has previously served as President of the American Choral Directors Association of Pennsylvania, and as a Board Member with the National Collegiate Choral Organization, Dalcroze Canada, and the Nova Scotia Choral Federation. She holds a D.M.A. from the University of Toronto, an M.M. and M.A. from The Ohio State University, and an Artist Diploma and B.M. from Western University.